About Kate
Sexuality & Relationships
Social/Dating Skills
LGBTQIA2S+ identities
Disability, Health Issues
Bariatric & Weight Management
Life/Career Change
...and more!
(tell me your issue - let's see if I might help!)
My Story
Growing up, for whatever reason, I was always interested in learning about sex, love, and relationships. As I grew, I quickly discovered from learning and living how complicated--and hurtful--these parts of life can become for people. I wished that everyone could have safe opportunities to work through whatever issues came their way!
So, I decided to try to help. This led me to social work school - where I opened myself to all different educational experiences. I know everyone has their own diverse, unique story: I will always strive to understand you, and try to get you the right help, whether that means directly working with me or I help you find the right providers for your issues.